
These AI Models Are Better Than GPT-4

Believe it or not many startups these days that are looking into AI are voiding CH GPT and once you understand some of the Alternatives this decision starts to make more sense and this is actually a fascinating topic cuz most of the time you only hear about chat GPT

Maybe one or two competitors but there’s so much more and that’s why today we’ll be looking at the AI landscape and what alternatives there are to using chat GPT if you’re trying to build a business on top of it okay so before we get into the first one there’s many reasons why

Company would want to avoid it right the privacy concerns the cost aspect of token based pricing especially with gp4 or just the fact that this is a general purpose model maybe you’re looking for something very specific and that is where some of these Alternatives shine all right so let’s start by talking

About AI 21 this one is made by AI 21 studio and they offer foundational models like Jurassic 2 but beyond Jurassic 2 which is their general purpose model they have models that do one specific thing very well for example if you want a model just for summarization they have it you’re trying

To paraphrase well that’s a separate model looking for a contextual answer yet another model and my favorite part is that they have this free click process for fine-tuning your very own model so you can go ahead and train it on the specific task that you need for

Your business and all of that can be done by deploying a dedicated model for your organization uring 100% privacy but this gets really interesting once we start talking about the example use case because they show off how a company named tweet Hunter was built on the AI

21 model and what they did is they fine-tuned it with a bunch of viral tweets and by doing that they had a custom trained model that know exactly what to reproduce and on top of that they built an entire company which recommend the tweets and helped you improve your Twitter presence impressive

But there’s more great examples out there so let’s talk about the next model which would be Google’s Pawn 2 Google refers to this as their next Generation large language model and labeled this differently but let’s have a look at what it does so first of all this is

Super fast in the same time you would be using chat GPT you can get free drafts done and then you get choices and the main claim to fame here is that it excels at reasoning tasks and if you check out sendbird and you head on over to their products you’re going to find

That within their chat API that they’re providing so you you can build your chat bot on top of this they give you a choice between chat GPT and palm to next up let’s talk about the new kit on the Block the recently released Falcon 180b so this is the largest and most capable

Open- Source model available today and if you believe the benchmarks this is almost on par with palm 2 by Google and actually better than GPT 3.5 as mentioned the amazing thing about this is it’s fully open source so you could run this on your own machine have full

Control over all the data that flows through it it’s your very own model and a super capable one to now I wish I had some use case examples but this one is so fresh that I haven’t found anybody building on top of it yet just cuz at

The time of this recording it’s less than a week past since its release so instead of talking about parameters and different benchmarks let’s just move on to another one although if you would like me to go deeper on the technical side of large language models and how to

Understand some of these papers I can certainly do that in a separate video just leave a comment below but now let’s talk about one of the big boys which is anthropic AI okay so you’re probably familiar with the claws 2 product as it made some serious serous waves

Throughout social media across the past month or two and the main reason for that is the 100,000 token limit this is what really differentiates this model from the others meaning you could pretty much copy paste the Harry Potter book into this model and it will still retain

All of it in its memory that’s what a large token limit means in practice it has longer memory I would personally say that next to the Token limit the main strength of this model is its ability to create content with a bit of a different flavor than chat GPT just as a unique

Voice and you won’t have that rigidness but talking about use cases let’s check out Robin AI which is an AI powered contract software and this so-called AI cop pallot for your contracts is built upon cloud and they make full use of the large token limit here right because

Some contracts are longer and what this is going to do is it’s going to analyze them and it’s going to give you recommendations or Warnings and obviously here a large token limit is absolutely essential it doesn’t matter if other models are better at reasoning or fully open source and that’s one of

The reasons they chose to build on top of anthropic and another one which we should point out here is their prioritization of AI safety now if you’re not familiar this is one of their big selling points I mean just go to their website the very first sentence

States that they put safety first and then right below that all the articles are about their approach to content moderation and harmlessness AI safety and a path to AI accountability so this makes them the perfect partner for a company that is concerned with privacy issues like Robin AI over here that

Deals with private contracts right so as you can see the output quality that you get from gp4 is not everything sometimes a longer context window or specific use cases or the eso tuning it to your very specific needs or most of all privacy concerns can all be reasons why to

Switch to one of these alternative models but let’s be honest this is just the beginning more and more models are coming out the open source models are getting better it’s incredible time to be alive and I’m going to be out here following all this keeping you up to

Date so if you want more details on one of these open source models which in my opinion is a fascinating space to follow then check out this video that gives you a few more details about one of the top models out there

#Models #GPT4
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