
Generate “Perspective Motion” with Photoshop!

Hi there this is sun mish from pics imperfect i hope you’re having a great day and making it an awesome one it’s easy to add motion from left to right or vice versa in an image right and we already have a video about it right over here you can watch it

Now it’s also easy to add motion to your image when the motion is from the center or even if it is slightly off you can simply add a radial blur and it will be good to go however the difficulty or challenge comes when there’s a motion that is along a complex perspective and

That’s what we’re gonna tackle in this video we will also learn how to add specific measurements or different values of motion in different areas of the image have you ever noticed whenever you’re traveling in a car and you look outside the window the objects that are closer to you

Seems to go by way faster than the objects which are further away like the mountains or the sky the clouds in the sky of course the point is we cannot add the same blur all throughout it just wouldn’t look realistic and that’s what we’re going to learn in this

Video so without any further ado let’s get started Back in the magical and brilliant world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this one follow along you already know what to do check the links in the description now the very first objective we have here is to blur the background to do that make the copy of the

Background layer by pressing ctrl or command j actually make two copies press ctrl or command j twice the first copy will have just the car and the second copy will have just the background so that we can treat them differently so with the car layer

We need to make the selection of the car first so you can use any of your favorite tools to make a selection i already have a selection i used the pen tool to do it so i loaded my selection because once you create a path with the

Pen tool the path is gonna show up here to make a selection of that path hold the ctrl key or the command key and just click on the thumbnail of the path and there you have the selection now you can also use the quick selection tool the object selection tool it’s up

To you once you have the selection in place you can click on the mask button alright now this layer just has the car the background layer just beneath it has the car and also has the background we just want the background in it and for that we have to remove the car from

It a lot of times we might make the mistake of blurring the background with the car in it this can create a ghosting effect let me share with you a quick example if i were to just simply blur it by going to filter blur and then motion blur and this is

Just to show you what would happen and let’s add a simple motion blur and hit ok the problem is the car also gets blurred and shows up in the background if i turn this on see it just isn’t looking realistic and it’s creating a ghosting effect

All right so to avoid that we have to remove the car from this background layer so that when we blur it parts of the car don’t show up in the blur alright to do that first of all again bring up the selection of the car hold the control key or the command key

It’s already in the mask so click on the mask we have the selection now let’s expand the selection by going to select modify and then expand expand it by about 50 pixels that’s fine or even let’s go a little lower because we want photoshop to have more information

To fill that area so let’s go for about 25. this seems to be about right now let’s go to edit content aware film now inside of that you can choose which areas would you like photoshop to sample from so on the left hand side you can paint the green over the areas

Where you want photoshop to sample from so this seems to be about right because anyway this is going to be covered hit okay as long as it looks good with the car layer turned on it’s going to be fine now there are a couple artifacts right over here

Have a look but it won’t matter much trust me you can apply it anyway so this layer is background without car now let’s convert both of these layers into a smart object so that whatever filter we apply we will have the ability to change the values later so for the background

Without car layer selected let’s go to filter convert for smart filters hit ok let’s do the same with the car layer filter convert for smart filters hit ok if you want to access the mask you can just double click on the thumbnail and here you can bring back any details

You want later let’s get back to our document so with the background without car layer selected now we’re gonna do the magic let’s go to filter blur gallery and path blur first of all here’s the first part that we have let’s delete it select the path press

The delete key and it’s gone because we want to draw everything from scratch so just along the perspectives start drawing the paths so one path from right here to there all right that looks about right now if i increase the speed here it just doesn’t look realistic because

There’s a perspective thing going on in here we need more paths so let’s decrease the speed all the way to zero so that we can work faster and here we’re going to draw another path along the perspective see what we are doing here draw as many parts as you like we have

To be as accurate as possible we just have to maintain the perspective now these lines clearly do define the perspective all we have to do now is to just turn up the blur so let’s increase the speed and it’s a better term actually let’s increase the speed to about

Let’s say let’s go for about 300 percent and the car is going at super fast speed however hold your horses though there’s an adjustment we need to make if you look around the corner right over here let me just decrease the blur back again actually the speed these areas shouldn’t be moving

As fast as these areas and you would notice that when you’re looking outside the car window the area around the vanishing point doesn’t move that fast the area further away does not move that fast so we have to have different speeds for this area and different speeds for this area

In other words we have to gradually increase the speed from this point to this point and how’s that possible well all you got to do is to first of all let’s increase the speed back to 300 percent and turn on edit blur shapes now once

You do that you will begin to see these red arrows and using this endpoint speed you can control the speed of each point isn’t that pretty good so for the right end let’s set it to about 400 pixels see now this end has more speed and for the left end

Let’s just decrease it all the way to zero we’re going to do the same for all of the points so again for the left hand side left end point let’s set it to about zero pixels actually zero pixels i didn’t have to say about and for the right one 400 as usual

It helps if you just decrease the speed to 0 and continue doing it that way it’s a little faster also if you want you can extend the points all the way outside the image this will prevent any unnecessary artifacts now let’s increase the speed back to 300 percent

And suddenly the motion is just beautiful you can always go for a little less if you wish i feel like 120 is a good number hit ok once you’re satisfied now the advantage here is you can always change these values later at this point i have to admit

My computer is just crying crying out loud with her fans so yeah gotta wait let her cry a little bit and then we’ll continue now have a look this looks a little more realistic because at this point there’s not as much blur as compared to this area

Now there’s one more thing that we need to deal with have a look at the car it has so much noise but with the blur there is just no noise there and here comes the advantage of smart objects we can always go back to the blur gallery by double clicking here and

Just click on the noise tab right here let’s zoom in and adjust the noise increase the amount from right here as you can see the noise is added but this noise in the car is a little more fine so let’s try to decrease the size and see if you can match that

And there you go it’s perfectly matching hit okay once you’re satisfied and there you have it now have a look the noise is so seamlessly and nicely matching here now as i can notice the underside of the car here is a little more brighter and that’s because

Of the content of airfield that we just added no problem with that we can simply add a curves adjustment layer and darken that up dark enough right select the mask press ctrl or command i to invert the mask then take the brush with white as the foreground color just paint back

Those areas where it looks weird there we go fixed there we go fixed as simple as that curves fixes everything now the car surely is in motion but it’s not a hovercraft so it has to do something to make it go in this case it has wheels

So if the wheels are rotating there has to be a little blur over there as well you don’t have to be accurate with it just select the car let’s go to filter blur gallery and then spin blur we’re going to make the wheel spin right so let’s bring the spin

On the top of the wheel as i said you don’t have to be accurate and keep all the 3d objects in mind because there’s a lot of filters that we can add on top of that and by the end of it we just won’t even be able to notice so let’s make the

Circle a little smaller and adjust it so that it takes the shape of the wheel you don’t have to worry about everything just worry about the rim let’s click on blur tools and increase or decrease the angle according to your preferences i feel like this is going to be enough

Now let’s click on noise and let’s add the same amount of noise so in its 30s and also we need to decrease the size to match it now how can we forget the rear wheel especially if it’s a rear wheel drive well let’s get back now correct me if

I’m wrong is it a front wheel drive maybe it is i don’t know click one more time to add another blur circle of course we need to make it smaller and adjust it according to the wheel now with this blur though there’s an issue it also blurs the body of the car don’t

You worry about it we got it covered just hit ok and by the way with all that noise we cannot even tell anyway just select the mask of the smart filters keep in mind smart filters do come with the mask take the brush black as the foreground color just erase it away

From the body and paint back the wheel area a little bit and there we have our car in motion now let’s add a fake effect that adds real fun to the image and that is how about we add a flashlight blur to the car wouldn’t that be cool so make the copy

Of the car by pressing ctrl or command j and for this one you don’t really have to have spin blur here you can just take the smart filters and drop it into the trash can let’s name this one flash blur now let’s go to filter blur gallery and again path blur and

This time the blur is going to be a little different first of all let’s set the direction backwards now if you go to the blur tools and inside of path blur first of all we can turn off edit blur shapes to make it cleaner now let’s set the path this way

Now again the car is following a perspective in itself so we need more than one line now to add the kind of flow where the details of the car is also a little bit intact from the drop down of the partner change it from basic blur

To rear sync flash and suddenly the blur style changes have a look at this so this is the basic blur all the details are gone if you change it to rear sync flash it really looks like flash now similarly in this case we will adjust the end point

Speeds so let’s turn on edit blur shapes click on that and set it to zero and do it for all of these points now the fun part is the blur in this wheel is not as much as the one on the rear and this gradual player is what makes it

Realistic now with the back end point let’s set it to about 350. now you can choose the number of your choice this is what i like once you’re satisfied with the effect just hit ok now there’s no more a classic car it’s a bugatti anyway let’s decrease the opacity of this layer

The flash blur layer to about 50 or 60 let’s go for 60 and now we have added a little more motion to it now the motion is done you can stop watching the video right over here however now we will just proceed to learn about little lighting techniques to make it more dramatic

With a little bit of color grading of course and by the way the effects that we’re gonna add here i was inspired to add these effects from none other than the game need for speed most wanted it was the first game that was so realistic

It just blew my mind now keep in mind i was playing it eight years ago so by that standards the kind of highlights and reflections it had was just out of the world for that time so similarly in this example we will add a little highlight on the road for that

Let’s create a curves adjustment layer just above the background layer so let’s create a curve and take the right most slider to the left you can also hold the alt key or the option key while you do that and just at the point where we begin to lose details on the road

We can stop just at this point i feel let’s go a little more softer this seems to be about right select the mask press ctrl or command i take the brush and with the soft round brush and white as the foreground color just dab in the middle don’t go near the edge

Now press ctrl or command d and now we have to adjust it accordingly hold the shift key to flatten it all up and bring it right under the car make it a little larger now we can get back to the curve and make it a little more extreme

You can even blur it more if you want you can go to the mask properties and simply feather it even more let’s go for 150. now we only want this effect in the bright areas so click on the right hand side of the layer and let’s take it away from the

Dark areas of the underlying layer by taking the slider off the left to the right just like this now hold the alt k the option key click on the slider to break it apart and take it all the way apart this makes it more realistic now we want to keep the

Shadows intact keep that in mind hit okay and there you have it here’s the before here’s the after see that punch it adds now you can even go a little more if you wish but i’m going to stop here now i believe we can do a little more brightening

So let’s create one more curves adjustment layer and just take it up like this select the mask press ctrl or command i now just paint over the road all over this time all right now we need to take it away from the buildings and stuff with black as the foreground color

Just dab once on one side hold the shift key dab on the other side so it creates a straight line have a look at the mask now you can erase the extras again in this case double click on the right hand side of the and add a little blend if

Hold the alt k the option key break it apart click on it to break it apart and there you have a little more highlight so here’s the before no drama at all here’s the after some more drama now we need to draw the attention of the viewer towards the car

And our attention automatically goes towards the brightest areas of the image so let’s create another curves at the very top just increase it we don’t want to brighten the shadows so let’s bring the shadows down select the mask press ctrl or command i take the brush white as the foreground color and just

Dab above the car with a soft round brush let’s decrease the opacity to about 75 percent and there you go just a little spotlight adds more attention to the car also the sky is too bright so we need to darken that as well so let’s create one more curves

Adjustment layer i know lots of curves take it down a bit now select the mask this time choose the gradient tool and let’s create a gradient from white to black so let’s draw a gradient like this or maybe let’s also darken the buildings a bit

Now if i create a gradient like this the car might also darken a bit have a look it is just having its effect there so no problem let’s bring this layer under the car that’s all we got to do and there you go now the car is not affected and finally

Let’s use color grading to add a little more drama to it and the easiest way to do that is simply use a lut so create a color lookup adjustment limb by clicking on the adjustment layer icon and then choosing color lookup and for these scenes especially

To mimic the need for speed most wanted daylight scenes we’re gonna go with crisp warm one of my favorite luts let’s choose that and it automatically becomes just so amazingly good i feel that it’s too harsh on the shadows so double click on the right hand side

Of the lab hold the alt key or the option key click on the slider to break it apart and take it away from the shadows all throughout now a little bit on the shadow is also looking good so make a copy of that by pressing ctrl or command j

That way it will apply doubly on the highlights and a little bit on the shadow and it just so beautifully boosts the drama in the image let’s go for 75 opacity and there you have it my friend so beautiful isn’t it so here is the before

Not interesting at all and just look at the after so that’s how i add motion with complex perspectives clearly the star of the show here is definitely path blur let’s do a quick little recap first of all make two copies of the image on one layer just have the background

Remove the subject on the other layer just have the subject in this case it’s the car now apply path flow to the background create multiple paths according to the perspective and also don’t forget to adjust the end point speeds where the blur starts have them at zero and as it goes up

You can have a different speed a higher speed similarly you can apply a little bit of that blur onto the car and just add a copy of that with a lower opacity and you will have the motion effects also do not forget unless it’s a hoverboard you will have moving parts in your

Subject that is visible for a car in this case it was the wheels if you’re working with a helicopter that would be the blades if you’re working with a running human that would be the legs and the arms right so blur those as well don’t forget to do that

And after you’re done with this you can use whatever technique you want with curves color lookup tables hue saturation you can use dodging and burning to just add some color and drama to your image also when you’re adding the blur inside of blur gallery dialog box there’s a section for adding noise you

Might have to add a little bit of noise to match with that of the existing subject so that’s all there is for this video i hope this video helped you in some way or the other and if it did make sure to give us a like and also

Don’t forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don’t miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting picks and perfect on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever

Thank you so much for watching i’ll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating You

#Generate #Perspective #Motion #Photoshop
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