
FREE Customizable Action to Sharpen Your Images in Photoshop

Today we gonna learn an incredible way to add sharpness to your images in Photoshop it adds elegant details and at the same time it’s completely non-destructive and also I’m going to give you the action for the same so that any further ado let’s get started so here we are first

Up on any photo that you want to download check the links in the description so first off make a copy of the background layer press ctrl a command J make another copy of it ctrl a command J again or what you can do just hold the ctrl and press J twice one two

Okay if you are using a Mac that would be command J inverse this how to invert this easy controller command I okay if you’re using a Mac that would be command I already said that next change the blend mode of this one to vivid light change it to vivid light

Simple now let’s make a group of both of these how to make a group hold the ctrl select the other one press ctrl a command G this makes a group now change the overall blend mode of the group to overly now this should give you the

Image exactly it is now have a look at it before and after before after doesn’t make much of a difference if you open up the group right now since we invert it this if you blur it it will add sharpness to the image but before that let’s convert this into a smart object

So that it is non-destructive so right click on this and click on convert to smart object now it’s time for us to add some sharpness to this one so go to filter blur Gaussian blur now as you can see so much of a detail we have added very quickly so increase the radius

Gradually to a point where you think it’s fine for you so a radius is not the measure of sharpness it’s a measure of how thick the edge is actually how do we sharpen things in Photoshop how it doesn’t actually increase the sharpness no it cannot invent a software cannot invent details so how

Do we make things sharp in software it actually increases the contrast around the edges so if we have a look if you zoom in okay very high zoomed in and let’s increase this what is actually doing is that it’s increasing the contrast around this edge now this radius determines how thick the

Edge is if you increase the radius too much you will see something called a halo effect okay if the radius is too small it will sharpen up just the pixels or the noise so 0.5 doesn’t sharpen up anything have a look it sharpens up the pixels now if you increase it it

Sharpens up the edges it actually is have a look it actually is increasing the contrast around the edges and that’s all that it is doing if you increase it too much have a look let’s keep very here it thinks the edges are too thick and the contrast is a

Little blurry so let’s find a nice value see increasing the contrast around the edges this area becoming dark they say we are becoming bright increasing the contrast see the contrast is becoming wider it’s much thicker right now if you zoom out have a look it’s much thicker

Okay have a better look here at this point see it’s making it completely black and making this brighter so does increasing the contrast so we need to find a nice place if you if this is too much see this goes very wide we have to find

A fine place 1.2 is fine click OK now you can anytime go ahead and change the values so only have to do to change the values just double click on the Gaussian blur and change the value as you like I think I would keep 2.1 okay there we go

Have a look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after adds so much more details to this I don’t know whether you can see it in this screen but before after let’s move on to the next example and in this example we’ll go more in-depth by

Learning a way to do it quickly by creating an action and then we’ll learn masking so first of all let’s go ahead and create an action by the just a tip if you do anything more than five times in Photoshop you need to create an action for that okay so you

Know what to do right go to Windows and then actions opens up the action now I already have an action for this which is available for you to download check the links in the description but you need to know how to create it if you’re worried no Photoshop is different or suppose a

Photoshop upgrades you need to know the way just click on this new actions button and you can name it sharpen let’s I’ll name it sharpen one I’ve already have created sharpen and I’ll save it and set my own personal set you can save it in any set you want you can create

Your own set now record now once you hit record it starts the tape recorder of Photoshop anything you do right now it’s going to be recorded so you know what to do make a copy of the background layer okay and in actions it’s very important that we name it because we’re going to

Be selecting each layer again and again let’s name it sharpen normal okay now make a copy of sharpen normal controller command J and let’s name it sharpen vivid okay now once you name that we need to invert this controller command I just as before convert this

Into a smart object right click on it and convert to smart object and then change the blend mode to vivid light just click on this change it to vivid light and then make a group of both of these hold the ctrl select the other one now here comes the important part that’s why

We named it C select layer sharpen normal if you just expand it okay if you had not named it it could have been very difficult why if the background layer didn’t have the name background if it had something else it would have set select layer 1 and if you had not named

It and if there was no layer as layer 1 there it would have shown you an error that’s important that we named both of these now make a group of both of these control a command and G and change the blend mode of this one to overlay and

Then open up the group select sharpen rivet C select clear sharp and vivid and then filter blur Gaussian blur click on that and just have any value right there okay doesn’t really matter for the action click okay now just click here to make the Gaussian blur customizable and

You’re pretty much done stop the action now when you let’s just test the action which you could have named the group if you want in the action but I just didn’t name it could have named that sharpen just delete that okay now just sharpen one let’s test that it will ask me the

Value of Gaussian blur why because we clicked on that box okay let’s zoom in and find a nice value for this one this is good click OK once you’re satisfied and it’s done have a look before after if you want some extra sharpness make a copy of this group make this double

Extra sharpness okay now make a group of both of these groups and let’s decrease the opacity and as you can see it has also sharpened these areas which means it has revealed more noise we wanted to just sharpen this area so what we can do create a mask simple

Hold the alt or option and click on the mask button to create a negative mask okay now what’s the concept of mask black other areas which hides the layer any kind of layer whether it’s a group whether it’s adjustment let any caterpillar white are the areas which shows it okay black conceals white

Reveals now select the mask whoops something different happens select the mask create a mask and then take the brush make sure the foreground color is white and we need to paint in white in just these areas okay just to zero increase the flow around 100% and there we go just sharpening these areas

And that’s done we have just sharpened the bird and the background is completely blurred without noise now let’s try it on one other example and will be true so in this example let’s do that again so go to Windows and then actions let’s test the action that I’m gonna give you

Just play it to ask you the value I guess I’m going to set that value to around 2.2 that’s fine okay if you want an extra sharpness see I’ve named it if you want an extra sharpness make a copy of this controller command J extra sharpness but we didn’t want that and

Let’s just create a mask and just limit this to just this area to the ice and we are pretty much done okay this way you can mask certain areas you can have more details in certain areas and less details in other area if you want some

Details here or you can do you can decrease the flow of the brush or the opacity of the brush I usually go with scope and slowly increase a little bit of sharpness here and there okay that’s pretty much done so that’s an alternate and interesting way to increase

Sharpness in Photoshop now you can also use the high pass method abuse quote I’ve used all the methods and this is my personal preference you can use both depends upon the image which one works best try out both and judge for yourself I hope this video helped you and if you

Did make sure to give us a like and also don’t forget to subscribe and not to subscribe during the rest of that you my friend don’t think I’ll see you guys when I can’t oh then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating

#FREE #Customizable #Action #Sharpen #Images #Photoshop
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