
Day in The Life of a Software Engineer (ep. 43)

N hello everyone so what’s your favorite CMS what an nice Breer huh might even work as a pickup line you guys try and let me know today I need to set up a CMS for the app that I’m working on so I’m really curious what you guys are using

For your own projects there’s a CMS called sanity they have an office here in Oslo located in an old Brewery so they make their own craft beer not sure how far I’d get on beer instead of coffee but it might be working well for them when it comes to recruitment but

Here’s a question how often do you roll your own DIY solutions for things are you a pratic person or are you more like me I have an idea for a project but first I want to show you what I already have it was a dummy node server with

Some hardcoded data but having strong types in your code feels ergonomic actually so I came up with an idea which I pitched on the Discord server and the good people over there really helped me clarify what I was going for so picture this a code editor with strong types

Where you can also upload files Ethan thought that I wanted a visual Json editor and I can see why from my description but I was really going for something that feels like plain text anyhow as I became more and more senior as a developer I learned mostly what I

Can’t do and making this fancy code editor in a day definitely Falls in that category so it’s time for Plan B I spent some time thinking what’s the next best thing that I can actually do and I remember remembered one such thing it was cdk from Amazon it felt kind of

Right in the same way that yaml files felt wrong if that makes any sense so I started working on something like that and Midway through my implementation I came to a dilemma check this out let’s not even discuss the fact that it’s objectoriented I don’t know why I did

That let’s focus on this function dry run my question to you is what is the opposite of dry run wet run a lot of people ask me how they can get into Tech so if you’re interested I have some something for you I partnered with the

Guys from course careers to bring you a course that I really believe is a great starting point if you’re looking to break into Tech and the reason I’m recommending somebody else’s course instead of my own is that I truly believe it takes more than a course to get into this profession it takes

Mentorship it takes practice it takes work on real projects and receiving feedback on those projects from your mentors to really progress and learn the things that you need to know and it takes someone to prepare you for interviews and guide you throughout your journey and course careers do all of

That they even partner with companies who offer interviews to course graduates and the second reason I’m recommending this course is that it really focuses on the fundamental principles of software engineering and that’s the one key thing that makes all the difference when you actually get the interview in this

Course you’ll build a really solid understanding of data structures algorithms software design and architecture because it goes well beyond the surface level understanding so if you guys are interested in getting into tech there is a free introductory course which you can take with no obligation whatsoever and if you use my link you

Can get $50 off from the full course now I don’t really know for how long course careers is going to allow me to offer this discount but for now check out the link in the description have you decided is wet run the choice here anyhow man you got to love Modern Furniture Design

What even is this material and don’t even get me started on how soft the chairs are I was running out of time by now and I still didn’t like the first implementation it was very stateful for no reason coding Java at work will one

Day be the end of me with all of those o patterns you see this is why I do all of my side projects so that I can do things my way even though my way usually means rewriting stuff all day long so in contrast to cdk which is very stateful

And very objectoriented itself I wanted something that works more like a DSL right now I’m really only focusing on the content management part of the CMS it doesn’t expose any apis it’s simply there to sync data between my codebase and a remote data store like fir store

Or gcp so here’s a question for you if a CMS that exposes data only through the API is called headless what is a CMS without an API called torales makes for a good npm package name but maybe I can also just call it wet run so here’s that

DSL approach that I talked about for now it’s just a command line tool but it does work and here’s the data in fire store one more reason I like to work on these side projects is so I can test in production with no problem at all I

Added another helper that can take a local file upload it to GCS and return the public URL so that it can be embedded in a larger document in the CMS and this is practically what I need to really support my use case for the wallpaper packs and if you don’t know

What wallpaper packs I’m talking about there is a link in the description for a previous episode so you can check it out but for now look at this beauty man it took me like 4 hours but listen I made one huge mistake it came here by bike it felt

Like such a great idea when I left home today I get my workout done along the way I’ll get there faster too I’ll avoid the annoying public transport all valid points for sure just one little Detail All right guys watch this watch This

#Day #Life #Software #Engineer
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