
Crosshair vs Normal Brush: What to Use When? – Photoshop Tutorial

So there are two primary types of brush cursors in photoshop you can also call it brush tips number one is the normal one the one that we regularly use it takes the shape of the brush so if i’m painting with a round brush it becomes round

Right if you choose let’s say a splatter brush so i’m gonna go to special effects brushes kyle’s splatter brush and have a look the brush takes the shape of a splatter right so this is the normal tip however there’s one more and that is called the precise

Tip it’s a crosshair if you press the caps lock key the brush changes to that right no matter what kind of brush you choose even if i go and choose a hard round brush it is still a crosshair now the stupid me when i was starting out with photoshop

I would see something like this and i would go to google and type in brush preview not working what’s wrong with my brush and later i found out that my caps lock was on and i turned off the caps lock and the brush was back to normal

Well have you ever wondered why this feature exists i mean what was adobe smoking when you have a brush that looks like the brush you chose why do we need a brush which cannot even tell what shape or size your brush is why do we need that well to be very

Honest the answer is very very interesting and it’s a genius creation there’s an actual use of this feature let’s solve the mystery together in this tutorial so without any further ado let’s get started Back to high school world of photoshop and let us learn the purpose of precision brush in photoshop with a few simple examples so here we have the s curve test let’s say you have to draw a brush stroke starting from point a and go to point b if i were to do it

With a regular brush a regular hard round brush and let’s say i had a small brush so let me decrease the size of the brush and i knew what size would be what shape it would be well it’s simple to do i’m just going to start drawing here

And take it to point b very simple but now let me ask you this what if you wanted to do it with a pressure sensitive brush where pressure controls the size of the brush but the size is not determined only the maximum size is determined other sizes

From small to maximum is controlled by the pressure in your hand if you’re using a graphic tablet so if i were to choose a brush like hard round pressure size and by the way it only applies if you’re using a graphic tablet anyway so if i choose that and now let me just

Paint in the middle if i press very softly is it the size of the brush tip no right if i press a little harder is it still the size of the brush tip no so the brush size here depends upon the pressure in your hand now let’s

Say you have to start with a very small and thin brush stroke from a make it thick in between and when it comes to b it becomes thin again now when you go ahead with this brush shape and you try to paint in here you would have to guess

The center of the brush right so i can quickly go like this and start painting see it missed the point right if the brush was even bigger it would be harder so if i make the brush bigger and by the way if you’re seeing double brush preview it’s the fault of my screen

Recorder please ignore it so if i had a bigger brush i would have to guess its center and if i start right like this see i missed the point right if i’m just painting very very softly you get what i’m trying to say i’m missing the point in here

I’m not reaching a see every time i try to do something i’m missing the point however in this case if i had the precision brush by pressing the caps lock now i would exactly know where the center is right so now i can just start from right there and end right

Here because i have a precision brush i know what the center is i don’t have to guess the center are you getting it let’s move on to the next example and then i’m going to share with you the conclusion of why actually we use the precision brush so

Let’s say for a second example we are writing something so let’s go ahead and first of all choose a wet media brush ultimate inking thick and thin pretty good brush let’s make it a little larger yes it takes the shape of the brush which is pretty nice let’s start

Writing something so here i’m just gonna write my last name see i missed that i was trying to continue from there but i couldn’t if i had a precision brush i would know so if i still take this brush i don’t know what the center is now

Determining a center of a round brush a completely circle brush is very simple and i was making mistakes on purpose with the first example but with this example it’s very hard it’s actually impossible to determine the center of this random shape even if i tried to guess it to the best

Of my abilities i would still miss it just by a little bit so in this case if we switch to a precision brush now i know where the center is and i can continue from here now also when you’re drawing the tittle and by the way title is a

Thing that you draw on eyes and j’s the dot in there and if you have a normal tip it would be very hard to determine the position of it if you switch to the precision brush tip you exactly know where that point will be moving on to

Example number three and you might ask me there are so many great advantages of using the crosshair as opposed to the normal brush tip why do we still need the normal brush tip well to know the shape and size because in many cases you want to see the preview of the shape and

The size so let’s say you were just painting some watercolor splatters so i have some watercolor splatter brushes so i’m gonna go with this one all right now as soon as i choose this brush i have the shape preview of how this brush is gonna look

If i increase or decrease the size it’s gonna exactly tell me after i paint how it is going to be now looking at this i can do some changes like rotate the brush as well so if i go to window and then brush settings here i can even rotate the brush to

Match i can even flip the x-axis and also the y-axis if i wish and then dab and create this texture right there so sometimes definitely we need to know the shape and size of the brush even when you oops so most of the times we

Sure do need to know the shape and size of the brush even if you’re using simple brushes like the regular soft round brush or the hard round brush when size is not dependent on pressure and it’s fixed we need to know the size and the shape as well

Now some of you might also go ahead and ask mish what if i want both what if i want both the shape and the crosshair is it possible well yes it is possible if you go to edit and then preferences down here if you’re using a mac that would be under

Photoshop and then preferences inside here go to cursors so here you can simply check show crosshair in brush tip that way it will show both and if you hit ok see it’s showing across here in between i don’t know if you can see it there’s a crosshair in between and

There’s also the brush shape so if you’re into that you can do it you can also do a couple other things if you go to preferences and then cursors if you only want to see the precision brush tip as a default and the shape or the normal brush tip as

Caps locked well just choose precise right here hit okay that way you will only see the precise brush and if you press caps lock the normal brush will show up with a crosshair on it so depending upon the style of work you do in photoshop you can choose what suits you

The best so just to wrap things up where does crosshairs make sense well whenever you’re using pressure sensitive brushes where pressure controls the size and you need to know the center well that’s when crosshair or precise brush tip is what you need i hope this video helped you and if it did

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#Crosshair #Normal #Brush #Photoshop #Tutorial
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