
Book recommendations for 2021 | Ankur Warikoo x @BeerBiceps | Top reads for you!

What’s up what’s good what’s up my man how are you what’s happening i just got done i just got done with a pretty rapid work day and i was just scrolling through instagram and i’m glad this is happening i’m glad this is happening man how are things

Things are good dude i saw your uh thread on twitter about you turning uh 39 am i right like which was last year i i i do age yes yes yes that was there so um some a lot of that stuff stayed with me actually got that sent

Uh by like my co-founders and a lot of people so really thank you so much man that’s really kind of you i i love the stuff that you’re doing you are you’re you’re you’re incredible i i love your journey i love how all of this has come together and you’re so

So passionate about everything that you do it’s it’s incredible very inspirational thank you thank you bro it’s a lot of right place right time uh where i know the automatic responses no but you work to be in the right place at the right time but

Uh you know dude like it’s like it’s one of those things where unless someone has been in my feet they i in my shoes they they won’t realize how much luck and right place right time has happened in my life so i’m just going to say that right yeah

And it’s funny that you say this because if you speak to most successful people that’s exactly what they say they they’ll always attribute a large part of their success to luck which is just their humility working at play but uh at the end of it

It takes a lot to be you and and that’s just incredible because it sounds like a fairytale story and just sounds like oh and it takes a lot but so are you are you are you free right now well i i’m taking this life so that’s what’s keeping me i mean

Yeah other than what’s mostly mostly yes i am i’m chilling i am i’m not working as such and i’m thinking about what to do but it was there was there a point to the question i uh let me try launching i mean unless you’re going to save this live as an idt

Then that’s a separate conversation if you don’t intend on doing that i can launch your live on my feed and uh you can you can be on it we’ll do like a mini podcast 15 20 minute thing wait why why don’t we schedule that because i want to be prepared for it and

I want to do it in the right manner that’s okay with you okay cool cool cool sounds good so i have a question for you and and so maybe we’ll repeat that in the podcast as well which is look do you ever feel that the fact that your identity now is

Attached to beer biceps and beer biceps is runway does it ever get to you that maybe that will not be who i am forever yeah um in terms of i have to be this guy right now for the sake of the brand is that what you’re asking okay yeah uh

It is something i think of but honestly the longer you do youtube the only way to sustain it is if you keep showing your most authentic version of yourself so that the version of things the way you described it was very true for the first year was slightly less true for the second

Year was slightly less for the third year and i’m slowly reaching a point where it’s like 90 percent of myself out there that 10 is reserved honestly so that i don’t get into trouble uh but uh so i think it’s gonna go to like 95 i just won’t be able to put out

Offensive stuff like things that could offend someone’s not offensive sure but um it it was a huge battle early on where i used to feel that everything i’m doing is very artificial like uh but over time dude it’s it’s like uh if you if you enjoy social media like the social media game

Um that kind of overpowers all these other thoughts because it’s genuinely enjoyable if it comes to you naturally yeah absolutely man absolutely and so on on that question what what is the thing that does not come naturally to you when it comes to social media something that’s your social media um i would

Honestly i’ve built out things based on consistency but with youtube i i would love to be in a position where i could take a month off and upload only one great film or one great video every month but that’s the artistic side speaking that’s not how youtube works especially

In infotainment and infotainment you’re supposed to go quantity quantity quantity quantity so um i’m honestly trying to just kind of figure that situation with thinking of launching more channels through the company we’re thinking of you know just just trying to uh kind of accomplish that dream

But let’s see it’s a long process man and it it grows based on consistency and quantity honestly much more important absolutely and it is one thing that the audience can take away from this this is it man it’s you know the the fact is most successful people citizen we will

Make it seem like it’s easy but the truth is there’s one thing that matters and that’s consistency and most people will give up it’s the act of showing up every day that matters like that is what it takes whether it’s sunny whether it’s raining whether it’s stormy whether

You’re the best of mood or not you just show up every single day and that isn’t the only thing that just sets people apart awesome man very cool yeah brother uh what time do you usually sleep i sleep i sleep really late like incredibly late do you want to disclose dude honestly

Lately it’s been like not earlier than four am you know like so it’s between four years yeah my head is super active at night and i want to do something with that energy so either i’ll read something extremely heavy or write something you know like i’ll keep it activated or absorb

Dude writing is the other huge challenge of social media after a point so it’s like when you start out even up to three four years you have this accumulated uh bandara of like knowledge which you can throw out and then in like like once you once you cross that certain threshold

You have to read stuff in order to refuel that reservoir of knowledge so uh that’s the other new challenge which i thought would get solved by podcast because i’ll be like okay i’ll be learning through people like ankur or whoever you know like i’ll be learning too

Guys it doesn’t work like that there’s a certain level of depth and information that you can only get through books so um i would i would love to read just for the sake of enjoyment but there is a certain sense of occupation in that act of reading

So that’s probably what i would change but that’s that’s just the fantasy world i’m creating in my head have you tried audio books is that something you i did but um it’s it’s one of those situations i have nothing against audiobooks it’s just the purpose i’m

Reading the book uh for is kind of kind of to study um so i feel like i’m one of those visual learners i just i can’t learn through order i love audio i love podcast but i i retain things through my eyes so uh yeah that’s that’s why i’m i’m

Currently like binging on yuval’s books and uh there’s this there’s this really crazy author called graham hancock have you heard of this guy no so um it’s got nothing to do with business or perspective building or anything but he’s basically like a real life indiana jones and uh he’s a journalist who’s gotten

Into history so with so much like intensity that people consider him like the world’s best historian now and his main uh ideology is that he wants to prove that a lot of the history we study in textbooks is not actually true and there’s a whole alternative history which

A lot of it got wiped off because of the first ice age so there was already civilization there was already uh like those kind of civilizations were extremely advanced but uh all that got lost because of the ice age and the argument is wait why can’t we find their plastic

And their electronics so his answer is what if they didn’t use plastic because they realize how harmful it could be to the environment they use something that could be environmentally friendly that’s fascinating but i should actually pick that up that’s quite cool yeah it goes

It goes back to one of the theories that that i think would be true is that we’re not the first human race to live on earth it kind of exactly what you said and uh the reason i’m reading his books is one for great social interaction like when you bring up these

Things in social situations it’s fantastic but uh two uh dude it’s like it’s it’s such a revolutionary um thought process that when you read it straight from the hands of the author and you go into his subconscious mind and his way of looking at the world it kind of changes your perspective also

Slightly so it’s a heavy book it’s thick but it’s it’s uh it really changes you i love it man but were you always a reader no dude like uh so i think i think podcast got me into reading honestly like um and i was also like i think once you have that one

Life-changing reading experience where you force yourself to get through book and you guys oh wow now i’m a different person then you kind of latch onto books and uh with with youtube and work and everything you don’t have that much time reading and if you’re dating you don’t have like

Any like there’s no space for books so i’m i’ve been single now uh especially during the lockdown and it’s just that i’m i’m taking i’m taking some specific time to just just absorb information because i don’t know when the next lady is coming my way and when i’ll have to stop

Was there a specific book or a theme that just changed you into a reader like boss yeah um uh so there was two moments like that i started reading an engineering college because i was just disenchanted uh and i think i can’t even remember the

Name of the book it was i think it was called keep off the grass it was basically about these guys who were in i am bangalore i don’t even think it’s a famous book but uh this is account of these two three guys in i am bangalow and how

Intense the world of iim is and how his perspectives open up because of the intensity of it it was a very simple read but it it made me understand that hold on i was at that stage of my life i thought that okay engineering and then ms or mba

So he in the book he mentions that this may not be um you know the best scenario for everyone and maybe you’re meant to do art so that was the first time something shifted like inside my head i thought okay i should start reading more but the big shift came like two three

Years into beer biceps when i was having a lot of mental health issues and i read the autobiography of a yogi by yoga and paramount and that one that one really like just slapped me in the face so that’s awesome that’s a good one that is a really good pick that’s a life

Changing book yeah not not for everyone though but uh it’s it’s for for who it is it’s like it’s revolutionary god brilliant man i love it always a pleasure you’re so inspirational we’re talking we are one one small request west nobly is part of my team she’s the

Biggest fan of you can you give her a shout out please because she’ll kill me if you don’t mess with me stop just going what’s your full name thank you so much for your support as embarrassing as this is but thank you this means a lot awesome man you’re such a

Such a sport back thank you so much you have a you have a great day’s work ahead now you have your full six hours of work ahead of time that’s right what this night is going to bring out but thanks thank you for inspiring me great man i want to pick your mind

A lot i want to pick your brain on a lot of things but so we’ll definitely do that i’ll schedule something very soon okay all right see you all take care man all the best man bye please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel so that whenever we put up a new video

You’re aware of it

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