
Make the Object Selection Tool Way More Precise!

The object selection tool is one of the most brilliant additions to photoshop 2020 and the way it works is that let’s say you want to select an object in photo all you have to do is to create a rough selection around it and Photoshop then uses its AI or in other words

Sensei to make an accurate selection it’s a good starting point of that object very easily but you know what the object selection tool is not just limited to that there’s so much more to it and today we’re gonna take a deeper look at all of the features of the

Object selection to do the maps so without any further ado let’s get started see where this are madly back in the magical world of Photoshop and if you ever go ahead and follow along with this photo download it by checking the links in the description now if you chose select

Subject in this photo photo shops AI will have a confusion regarding as to what object to select right so let’s go ahead and choose one of these tools the quick selection tool or the magic wand tool or any of that and then if we just click on select subject for ships AI

Will have difficulty in deciding which object to select and that’s why it’s selected all three of them now let’s say you just wanted Photoshop to focus on the middle object here’s what you do you choose the object selection to right in here and all I have to do first of all

Let’s choose a rectangle from the mode there are two modes lasso and rectangle lasso allows you to make a freehand selection like this and rectangle as the name suggests allows you to create a rectangle selection so if you choose a rectangle for beginning it’s fine so let’s create a rectangle around it

Now Photoshop will analyze it and create a selection and it’s pretty great now let’s move on to the next feature of the objects election – it is not just limited to making the selection one time you can also use it to refine the selection and here’s how to do it first

Of all we will choose the lasso right we want to tell Photoshop alright this is also the object select that as well because it has only made selection till this area if you want to extend it so here’s what we do we just hold the shift

Key you see the plus sign next to the lasso now you just add it like that and Photoshop automatically detects the extended object and creates a selection around it and now to the second part let’s say this an extra area right here is selected how do you let go of it how

Do you tell Photoshop a Photoshop this is not a part of the object here is what you do you do the opposite you hold the Alt key you see the – right now it just means that you’re subtracting or it can alternatively click on this button as

Well this is minus this is plus I usually keep it right here on this button and if I have to add something I will hold the shift key if I have to subtract something I will hold the Alt key or the option key hold the Alt key or the option key

This will turn into minus and then you will just create a selection and Photoshop automatically just subtracts that area there eco now you can take the time to finish it for all of the other areas but have a look how quick it is in comparison to choosing any of the tools

Like the lasso tool or any other tool of your choice and slowly going one by one all throughout the object or even inside of selected masks you would have to paint it’s a mess but with the object selection tool only have to tell Photoshop is that a Photoshop this is

Not a part of the object so you hold the Alt key or the option key and create a rough selection around it and Photoshop will automatically detect and there you have it now let’s talk about the other options of the object selection tool now when the top you will find three check

Boxes all right I have D selected everything again just wanted to show you something from the beginning now let’s say you are working on some other layer and now if you just use the object selection tool and let’s say we choose a rectangle and then you make a rectangle

Around it it cannot select anything because the selected area doesn’t have anything at all right even if it had something let’s say I take a brush and then I paint something right in there paint an object right now it will automatically select it so if I choose

The object selection tool and then I make a selection around it on that brand-new layer it will definitely select that object but what I want from Photoshop is to select that object that I drew along with that plant in the background so in that case I would have

To choose and check sample all layers that way it will keep all the layers in mind while making a guess so now let’s just do it again and let’s see in this time it should work properly and have a look it selected the black thing along

With the plant as well so that’s how sample all layers work all right let’s move on to the next feature the next one is enhanced the edge now I’m going to show you a comparison without enhance edge or with enhance edge to comparisons and you will see the

Difference for yourself so let’s just go ahead and check it off all right and now when you make a selection not gonna go in-depth into refining the selection for now you’re just gonna leave it as it is and let’s name this layer first of all let’s unlock the

Background layer and let’s name this layer without enhance edge all right now let’s make a copy and let’s get back to without enhance edge and click on the mask button alright and this one is width enhance edge and now let’s turn on enhance edge and do it for this layer as

Well with the object selection tool and we’re gonna make a selection and then once the selection is done click on the mask button now let’s compare both of these by creating a black background so click on that just macclare icon choose solid color and black at the back of it

Let’s create a copy of the black for the other one and let’s move it underneath without enhance edge and now let’s compare both of these let’s make a group the first group is with the second group is without so let’s turn off width have a look when it is without enhanced edge

Look at the edges it’s not so good it’s just not perfect but if you just turn on width have a look how it has merged in the edges a little bit trying to enhance it a little bit not keeping it very sharp but it’s just better when it’s

With it now sometimes you might want sharp edges and for those times you might want to turn this off but for other times for most of the times you can keep it turned on so this is without enhance edge have a look you have sharp edge whenever you want sharp edges you

Can keep that that and this is with enhance it this is a little bit softened edge looks a little more realistic but might not be perfect for all cases now the third one at the top is object subtract so let’s make a selection again with a rectangle we’re gonna make a

Selection of this plant alright and let’s say we don’t want this inside the selection so what we learned before first of all choose the lasso and hold the Alt key or the option key and make a selection around it it will automatically be subtracted however if you check this off

If you checkoff object subtraction if you hold the Alt key or the option key and then if you make a selection around it see it’s just not working it’s taking the selection the way it is it’s not analyzing the object let’s go back if I

Check it on and then hold the Alt key or the option key and then make the selection it is analyzing the object let’s go back if I check it off hold the Alt key or the option key and then make a selection it is not analyzing the

Object you get the point sometimes when you want to be harsh with it and you want to just accurately subtract stuff you might want to check it off and then accurately subtract it if you want to but when you want Photoshop to work it’s AI you can actually turn it on and move

Forward from there now once you have made a selection you can continue refining it inside of select and mask by clicking here and we have covered most of what we had to cover and what object selection tool will have to offer I hope this video helped you and if it did make

Sure to give us a like and also don’t forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don’t miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching this video my friend and I would like to take this moment to thank

All these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep vixen perfect free for everybody forever thanks so much polly support thank you for watching I will see you guys again in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating Let’s see where this all might lead see whether someone

#Object #Selection #Tool #Precise
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