
10 STEPS to get Tons of Free Traffic from Google

When i started my online business like five  six years ago and published my websites the   main struggle the main problem was traffic it was  only me and some of my friends who knew about my  

Website so i was getting like 10 to 20 views per  day 50 from me and 10 views from my friends so it   was really the main problem how to get traffic  to my website from that moment i had a lot of  

Research really a lot i tried many things today my  main websites gets around 600 000 views per month   if you watched my video in december 2020 about  my plan to 2021 i was planning for 30 visits per  

Month on age educate and thousand visits per day  on eight super tools look at this today this is   hdk per month i’m getting around 250 000 views  you can see the chart on eight super tools i’m  

Getting around 350 000 views so i achieved my  plan i passed this this year for 2022 as you   will see on my plan next week i am planning for 1  million views per month how i am doing this how i  

Get traffic one of the best sources of traffic is  simply traffic from google free organic traffic   from google and here it comes s e o or search  engine optimization if you go here to google   search console you can see my website i’m  getting around 61 000 search clicks these are free  

Traffic directly from google on my main website  hdk and on age super tools i’m getting around 144   000 web search clicks not that bad at least i  achieved my plan goals anyway so what is seo in 10  

Seconds seo is simply some techniques some things  that you apply on your website so you can tell   google you can say hey google this is my website  rank it put it on top of your search results so i  

Can get traffic for free from your organic search  results that’s simply seo and when it comes to seo   or search engine optimization we have mainly two  parts we have on-page seo and off-page seo to make   things simple on-page seo is everything you can  do on your website like optimizing your articles  

Your titles your images your templates and so on  off page seo should be covered later in detail   is everything you do outside your website like  backlinks social signals guest posts and so on   today we are going to cover on page seo and see  how this helps in getting traffic for free from  

Google think about it as the ultimate guide to on  page s-e-o and what’s nice we have a lot of free   resources free checklists in this video stay  tuned and follow up welcome everyone to part   six in our awesome new series build an online  business with me from scratch and reached two  

Thousand dollars per month in part five we learned  how to write an article from scratch and together   we wrote this article this is my website let’s  go to all posts if you remember we wrote this   article what is email validation i’ll click on  edit and now let’s go and optimize it for seo  

As we mentioned on page seo is everything we can  do now on this post to help rank it on google   and we will do this together right now live in  this video so you can learn exactly what to do  

And you will do this step by step to make things  simple for you so let’s start with step number   one in this on-page seo checklist simply you have  to set the focus keyword what do you mean let’s  

Go here to google on google usually we search for  something this something or this search term that   you are searching for is a keyword for example in  my case it’s about email validation so someone who   wants to know about email validation will say what  is email validation and he will get some results  

He will click this website will get traffic and  so on so your job is to rank your website for your   own keyword your target keyword on the first 10  results of google on top of the search results in  

My case i need to pick a keyword a focus keyword  i want to target for this article how to do this   usually we do keyword research i will make things  now simple for you what you have to do is to go to  

Age my free digital marketing and  seo tools here simply go to seo keyword research   tool now in my case if you go here and pick this  word what is email validation i will set a country   for global because i won’t target the global  audience worldwide i will click on search it’s  

English in my case and you will see now this term  this keyword gets around 110 searches per month   not that much it’s good for now we are still new i  want to rank on these keywords to get some traffic  

You can see here the seo difficulty it shows  nothing or available this means in most cases   that we don’t have that difficulty on this keyword  so i will go with this keyword this is my focus   keyword this is the keyword i’m going to target  in this article and if someone here don’t trust  

These results from age super tools i want to tell  you h super tools is reading data from three apis   i am paying for this data but i’m showing it for  you for free but this data is real from premium  

Apis let me show you this i will get this key with  the same keyword go here to ahrefs maybe number   one seo tool worldwide i will paste this keyword i  will say united states and say search now you will  

See the volume is 30. i will do the same on eight  super tools i will go here to the united states   and search and you will see now that the search  volume is 30 exact same results so this is only  

To feel comfortable while using eight super tools  this is real premium data anyway so i will pick   this keyword this is my focus keyword so now what  you have to do is to mention this focus keyword in  

The first paragraph of your article where is the  first paragraph here is my first paragraph you can   see i mentioned it here what is email validation  i wrote the article based on the rules we learned   in part five and i mentioned this keyword here  so step number one make sure to mention your  

Target keyword in the first paragraph the second  thing you have to know is you have to make your   title the title of the article in an h1 tag what  do this means let’s go to my main website on hdk  

If you open any article like this one and if you  go here to this title right click and click on   inspect we will see the html code the code  behind so you will see this title is inside  

A header tag h1 tag make sure to do this if you  are developing your own website now in wordpress   this is done automatically but i mentioned this  just in case you are doing your own customized   website in wordpress i think also in blogger  and all these platforms this will be done  

Automatically for you so make sure to use each one  tags for your title step number three make sure   to use each two tags for your subheadings you can  see this one it’s an h2 tag you can set edge 3 h4  

So the subheadings are always h2 headings and  make sure to mention the focus keyword in one   of these subheadings an example this subheading  here is what is email validation i mentioned the   target keyword in this subheading so h2 tags  and mention at least one time target keyword  

In the h2 sub headings step number four  mentioning your focus keyword multiple times   in the article if you go here and search for what  is email validation you will see i mentioned it   four times with the title and subheadings in my  article i think it’s not that much but you have to  

Know something here very important we are talking  about mentioning it like five six times and not   putting it everywhere don’t overuse this method  just mention it in your article in a natural way   just think about it if an article is about dog  training it’s obvious that the article must  

Mention this keyword dark training so just keep  things normal and talk to humans and not machines   right for humans and not machines so mention your  keyword multiple times inside your article step   number five is using external and internal linking  in your article what do i mean if you go down here  

In my article you will see i am linking to other  email validation services xerobombs email list   verify and so on so these are external links how  this helps this helps google understand what’s   the topic of your article if you are linking to  other email validation services so this article  

Is somehow related to email validation and linking  to authority websites in your niche tell google   that your website is a good piece of content  informative content linking to authority websites   also this will help you increase the rank of your  web page so link to external authority websites  

In your article and also link to internal pages  in your website now since this is the first blog   post in our website i don’t have other articles  but later on as you will see i will start linking   articles together this is what we call internal  linking this also helps google scroll your website  

From page to page and helps in ranking you web  pages so external linking to authority sites and   internal linking of course later on you may turn  these links or some of these links to affiliate   links automatically as you will see in the  affiliate marketing part when we start monetizing  

Our website later on in this awesome series so  let’s now move to step number six optimizing our   title the title is super important but before we  start optimizing it i will go back to my wordpress   dashboard to install a plugin go to plugins again  add a new and install a plugin called monster  

Insights this plugin is mainly for analytics  tracking your visitors but there is a small   extension in it that helps in writing the title  let’s see it install this plugin we will also   use it later with google analytics to track our  traffic but for now just activate it and i will go  

Back to my post and refresh here you will see now  we will have this new metric the headline analyzer   it will give you a score for your title so you  can improve it also it will show you some tips to  

Improve your title like including emotional words  power words uncommon words and so on so now let’s   optimize our title to reach at least a score of  70 as this plug-in suggests strive for 70 or above  

And what’s nice here you can go here to try a new  headline write the headline a new title here and   analyze it and see how things will be different  let’s say what is email validation the lies these  

Two letters and how it helps let’s say like this  analyze this 48 wow we had six new points so i   am improving now i want to give you a small tip  in copywriting in general especially for titles  

Copywriters always say that whenever you want to  write a title write a lot of versions of it like   10 to 15 to 20 versions then pick one and optimize  it you have to train yourself write different  

Titles now let’s see how i can improve it more to  reach 70 for my article let’s try another headline   let’s say what is email validation everything you  need to know analyze and excellent 81 you can see  

I use some uncommon words emotional words we can  increase this also more by using some power words   but for now it’s okay so what is email validation  everything you need to know i will replace it with   this one and excellent now our headline is 81  why the headline is very important for simply  

Two reasons if you go out to my website here while  you are scrolling between my articles mainly you   will look at the thumbnail here or the featured  image and the title if this attracted you you will  

Click to read so this will help keep users on your  website to read more articles and navigate through   your website the second main reason which is more  important when you search for something on google   how you will click by reading the title only we  don’t have images here you will read the titles  

There’s the title you can see so you need to write  an attractive title to increase what we call the c   t r or the click through rate click through rate  is the percentage on how much clicks you got from  

The total impressions you got on google search  results so make sure to improve your title and   make it clickable and attractive step number  seven now you have to stop hold your mouse go   now and click on the subscribe button to optimize  your article and don’t forget notifications to get  

Every new update anyway step number seven is to  go back to your dashboard to wordpress go again   to plugins and you are going to install a new  plugin an seo plugin we have several plugins but  

In my case i work with yoast sco you can use rank  math if you want like this one all-in-one seo   we have different plugins but i am familiar with  yoast seo and this is what i’m going to share  

With you in this video we have five main active  installations with twenty seven thousand five star   reviews it’s a perfect plug-in i use it in all my  wordpress websites activate and now let’s see what   will happen go back to your website refresh and  now we will have yoast plugin we will have this  

Section here this new section in our article  here we can set the focus key phrase which is   our focus keyword you remember in step number  one what is my focus keyword is what is email   validation i will copy it and paste it here that’s  simple now automatically this plugin will analyze  

The readability of your post and the seo of the  post it will tell you what to do like go and add   images go and add internal links increase the key  phrase density and so on it will show you what you  

Did correctly and so on it’s an awesome plug and  tell you what to do so everything we explained   before the plugin will tell you do this and that  optimizer article which is perfect so install  

Yours and now if you go down below the article we  will have this section also it will show you how   google will preview your article on the search  result or your post this is the mobile result  

And there’s the desktop result you can see it here  and if you go down here we have something called   the meta description what is the meta description  if you go back to google here you will see we have  

The title and this is the meta description also  need to optimize this meta description how to   optimize it simply go again here and you will see  them in the description box in the yoast preview  

What you have to do simply is to mention the focus  keyword in the meta description as i will do now i   will paste my method and you can see i mentioned  it here what is email validation as you can see  

The green line here it shows everything is perfect  so this is my meta description just make sure to   mention the keyword inside it and what’s nice that  brian from backlinko created this meta description   formula you can use it if you want to create your  meta descriptions and make things easy for you  

This is how he uses it for his own articles  and you can do if you want so we optimize the   meta description what’s next step number eight  is optimizing the url what’s the url let’s go  

Back to my main website you can see this  is the url of my blog this is the domain name   and this here is called the slug the title of  the article port in the url so let’s go back  

Here to edit post you will see the slug is here  what to do two things make it short and mention   the target keyword so simply i will remove this i  will make short what is email validation and this  

Is the target keyword perfect so step number eight  optimizing the url make it short and measure the   target keyword i’m repeating just for beginners  to memorize these rules so you can do it in   every blog post you create on your website it’s  super important you have to do it if you want to  

Be successful and get organic traffic from google  what do we have next step number nine add images   graphics statistics and optimize it inside your  article whenever you open an article let’s say   again to my website you will see we have images  we have a graphics we have some colors and so on  

This will help improve user experience and when  you improve your experience people will love   your content and this will obviously make them  maybe share it this will give a positive signal   to google that people are loving this content so  it will rank higher and so on so always try to add  

Some images and graphics to your article usually i  use canva is one of the best websites to   create anything infographics small videos stories  social media posts featured images thumbnails   anything so what i do i click on create a design  i go here and search for blog banner it will open  

This template this empty template i go here and  select the background i pick a color let’s say   this color now what i want to tell you always try  to use the same styling in your website if you go  

To my main website you can see the thumbnails the  featured images are somehow using the same phones   the same styling so this is related to branding  we’ll talk about branding later on in detail but   for now just make sure to use the same styling  and your graphics and images so i’ll go ahead  

To elements and let’s create something related  to emails i will say email here okay let’s get   this image just an example so what i want to focus  here on how to optimize these images so let’s go  

Here download i will select jpeg or jpg i will go  ahead and download this image what you are going   to do before you publish on your website here is  to change the format of the image converted so go  

Ahead and search for jpeg to web p converter you  will have a lot of online converters i will pick   the first one convert to you i will select here  the file go to downloads here open this image  

Look at the size 67 kilobytes i will convert now  now the size must decrease let’s see perfect 19   kilobytes i will download it and now we can upload  again to our website i will go back to my article  

Let’s say i want to add it here i will click  on this plus icon then image then upload i will   select this image.webp open and now the image will  be uploaded to my website you can resize it if you  

Want you can set it centered or whatever this is  how you add images and graphics to your website   later on i will cover in depth how we create  infographics also using canva if you go here to  

Canva you say infographic which is a perfect way  to attract people to your website get back links   as you will see later on you can pick any template  and create an infographic in minutes using canva  

And attach it to your blog post as a resource  anyway so this is how you add images and optimize   it and compress it before publishing it on your  website so make sure to add some images and what’s  

More important than that is to optimize the image  for seo our topic is about seo how to do this just   click on the image and go here to the settings you  will see we have the alt text the alternative text  

Of the image i will say what is email validation  so i am mentioning my keyword inside this image   alt text make sure to do this always for your  images not always the same focus keyword but just  

Make sure to add an alternative text to your image  this will make sure your image will be optimized   for seo step number 10 is the final optimization  and publishing the article if you go back here to  

Our article to the yoast seo plugin you will see  it still shows that we have something wrong let’s   see what’s wrong the first thing is the internal  links as we mentioned we must add some internal  

Links now to fix this fast now i will simply go  here to my website i will copy the main website   link and let’s add it here at the end four more  articles visit em bound first example add a link  

Paste it open a new tab and save and that’s it so  now we fix the internal linking of course this is   just for testing now just to show you how to add  an internal link later on you’ll add inside your  

Article in the best way to link between articles  we will see this later anyway so this is the first   problem the second thing is the keyword phrase  density you see it says the focus key phrase was  

Found 31 times which is more than a recommended  maximum of 30 times what’s the key phrase density   what this plugin does is it goes to this key  phrase it splits it to email validation and when   you go down here and click on view the phrases  you can see email validation email validation  

Email email email validation you can see here so  it splits the focus keyword into multiple terms   and it will highlight all of them and it tells you  that we found it 31 times so we must decrease this  

A little bit i will simply remove this statement  let’s go down see what do we have here i will say   here validate emails and very nice we optimized  everything now according to yoast let’s close this   we still have the readability analysis what’s  readability it’s simply how much this article  

Is readable if you click on this icon here you  will see some information about this article   how many words how many headings and we’ll show  you the document outline the outline is fine but   if you skim through the article you will see here  we have this block of code it’s a javascript code  

Showing how to validate emails we must fix this  what i will do now is i will delete this code   i will delete it and i’m going to add here  a block a new block which is a pre-formatted  

Block this will look better when you add source  codes and javascript codes and so on if you are   in the programming niche so i will paste  again the code let’s see how it will look   very nice let’s save the draft you can see now  it turns green automatically but still shows some  

Improvements if you want like transition words and  so on you can check them and fix the article to   get better readability score and so on enough  for now i think i will go and hit the publish  

Button publish publish now it’s live i will open  the post you can see this is the url simple clean   and short and the keyword is inside it and this  is our new article published on our website  

But if we go back to our main page you can see we  don’t have a featured image if you go back to my   website you can see every article has a featured  image so how we can add featured images to our  

Posts which is very important to attract people to  click on your articles i will go back to that post   to settings the post and go down we have something  called featured image so we have to create a  

Featured image click on this you can upload one if  you want as you did in canva create one with jpeg   or png and convert it to webp format to resize it  now i will select from the library the same image  

Here just for the sake of time and don’t forget  to add the alt text again i will say what is   email validation we can also set the title  again here set featured image update now let’s   refresh and awesome this is our new article  published optimized and ready to rank on  

Google i hope you enjoy this video it’s somehow  long but i tried my best to cover almost all   the core concepts and on-page seo to help you  optimize and rank your articles see you later

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