
How To Create Products That Actually Sell // Create Digital Products

The simple secret to selling anything online or offline is this people will pay for convenience that’s right people will pay for convenience and i know it’s not a shock to you but as simple and as straightforward as it sounds many people don’t quite understand this and instead of thinking

How can i solve my customers issues frustrations and problems they think about how do i make money fast and how do i make money quick by doing this or that take mcdonald’s for instance you can drive through grab your meal within a minute or two and that’s it you know it’s really

Convenient for you to go and order through that restaurant as opposed to somewhere where you have to walk in order and then wait for your food another example is none other than uber which you’ve most likely use or alternate type of ride sharing service where you can basically open an

App and then book in a car to come and pick you up drop you off wherever you want so by learning from all these successful businesses how can you apply those types of concepts and models to your own products and services in general you can create products or services

Based on three main categories number one is a do-it-yourself type of product or service for instance an e-book an online course or a program where your student or customer has to go through your content consume it and then apply and take action on it in terms of convenience this isn’t the most convenient

But it’s the easiest to kind of put out there where you’re not required to do any work all you need to do is just sell that product one time or it could be a recurring product and then they need to take action on their part category number two is a

Done with you type of product or service in most cases it’s a service because you’re essentially going to be hand holding your student or customer through the process or procedure or system that you teach this may include coaching or mentoring or something under that category the third category is a done for you

Type of service what this one means is simply your client customer or student doesn’t actually need to do any work on their part you install let’s say their website for them which is considered a done for you type of service or let’s say install or preload some email marketing campaigns inside their

Email marketing platform generally the more convenient you can make your product or service the more you can charge for it whenever i brainstorm any new product idea i think about the a to b that is how do i get my customer from point a to point b as quickly as

Possible and for this i like to use the bridge method where imagine having a horizontal line and your customer starts at this point where this is where their frustrations and problems lie and you want to take them to basically the ultimate goal what is their ultimate goal it is you

Know that could be getting rid of uh you know acne or getting rid of their debt whatever that goal may be that is where you want to take your customer to and in between which i call pillars what are the steps in order to get

To that ultimate goal i’ve got a pdf of worksheet that you can follow and fill out yourself as an exercise to basically map out and outline your product and it’s called map out your online course in 30 minutes or less but this can apply for any type of product or service

Look in the description below for a link to that free download and go ahead and fill out the worksheet so again people will pay for convenience what type of product or service can you create that’ll make it convenient for your potential customers ultimately your income is based on how much value you’re

Offering to the marketplace thanks so much for watching and if you got value from this video by all means hit that like button subscribe to this channel if you haven’t already and turn on notifications too so you don’t miss out on any future videos that i post up here

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